Hi! 🌙 So, the wheel of the year keeps turning... I heard that if it's a bright, sunny day, that means the Cailleach can go out and fetch more firewood to keep her warm so she can keep winter going for a bit longer, but if she forgets and oversleeps, the day will be gray and stormy, therefore signalling an end to the cold days - well, today was a beautiful sunny day here (though cold) so I am assuming we need to snuggle up and keep hibernating a little longer! The Cailleach - she's known as The Veiled One and The Queen of Winter. She's a hag and, in some legends, a shapeshifter. She's a powerful old woman, filled with the wisdom of the ages, the ancients and the ancestors. Her skin is deathly pale and her teeth are red. She can leap across mountains and ride the storms. She's a true force of nature, wild and destructive but not evil. She cares for animals both wild and domestic during the winter and is the patron of wolves. The Cailleach is ageless and immortal a...