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Showing posts from January, 2021

The Wolf Moon... 2021's First Full Moon

Hi! 🌙 So this year's Lunar splendour kicks off with the Wolf Moon, also known as The Cold Moon for obvious reasons! In times gone by, the full moons have been named according to the seasons, the weather or even the behaviour of nature or humankind around that time. The Wolf Moon , it is said, is so called because in the Northern Hemisphere, this is a time when wolves can often be heard howling more than usual. The old-timers thought it was maybe because of hunger but we now know that wolves howl for many other reasons: defining territory, to locate pack members and even to reinforce social bonds!  The Hopi Native American tribe are said to have named this moon PAAMUYA which means "Moon of Life at its Height" as a comparison to the summer sun which is exactly 6 months away at the opposite high point of the year. The moon rides high in the sky at this time of year (in the Northern Hemisphere) just like the sun in the height of Summer. Because of the various astrological h...

A New Start... A Place to Share My Journey...

Hi! I'm Cheryl, The Yoga Bohemian.  I welcome you to my brand new blog where I intend to share with you some of the discoveries I make along my path and the knowledge and experiences I find and create along the way. I invite you to walk along with me and I welcome your experiences and questions too. If ever there's anything you'd like to see mentioned here in these pages, please feel free to reach out and ask - I would like you to be a part of the process... About me? I'm a lot of things!  I have 2 children a beautiful back cat and a wonderful husband and home in Shropshire UK. This loving foundation and the support of my family throughout all my crazy schemes has enabled me to follow my dreams... So what do those dreams look like...? I am a teacher and practitioner of yoga and I find that here is where I really find my peace. I love to teach and the spirit of a good personal yoga practice has guided me through many a dark time in my life.  I...