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Lughnasadh - Celebrating the First Harvest

Hi! 🌙 So on July 31st/August 1st, at the time of Lughnasadh (or Lammas: "loaf mass"), we celebrate the first harvest - the grain harvest - and pause to acknowledge just how important that grain is to our sustenance and nourishment over the coming months. The first grain - the first loaf of bread - these are wonderful and important milestones in the wheel of the year. We are asked to give thanks and express gratitude for the abundance we are fortunate enough to experience. Why Lughnasadh? This Sabbat seems to me to shine a light on the way the individual and community pagan spiritual experience acts as a microcosm to the greater experience of the Earth as a whole entity.  We get a gentle reminder of the cycle of birth and death and rebirth, particularly characterised by the involvement of Lugh, god of light and fire. As the embodiment of the Sun, here the god is beginning to show signs of his waning power. We have passed midsummer where he was at his height and now he is givi...
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Valentine's Day... What's it All About?

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A Mantra For All: Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah...

Hi! 🌙 So, lots of people have been asking me about the mantra I often chant at the end of practice.  It's very rare for me to end a practice without some kind of mantra these days and I often choose mantras that have some kind of bearing upon the specific practice we are doing or even the time of year. For me, the closing mantra rounds off the practice and indicates a kind of "seal" for the energy created during the session. As my practice has deepened and my teaching has developed, the use of mantra has become an integral part of the process and is as important to me as the postures themselves.   I love using Sanskrit mantras for many reasons. Firstly, because I love the sound of this language and it really makes me feel connected to the heritage of this wonderful practice of yoga. I think it is important to keep the roots and the reasons for practising yoga at the forefront of this practice otherwise it just becomes the performance of a series of complicated movements ...

Imbolc... The Earth Awakens

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The Wolf Moon... 2021's First Full Moon

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A New Start... A Place to Share My Journey...

Hi! I'm Cheryl, The Yoga Bohemian.  I welcome you to my brand new blog where I intend to share with you some of the discoveries I make along my path and the knowledge and experiences I find and create along the way. I invite you to walk along with me and I welcome your experiences and questions too. If ever there's anything you'd like to see mentioned here in these pages, please feel free to reach out and ask - I would like you to be a part of the process... About me? I'm a lot of things!  I have 2 children a beautiful back cat and a wonderful husband and home in Shropshire UK. This loving foundation and the support of my family throughout all my crazy schemes has enabled me to follow my dreams... So what do those dreams look like...? I am a teacher and practitioner of yoga and I find that here is where I really find my peace. I love to teach and the spirit of a good personal yoga practice has guided me through many a dark time in my life.  I...